Saturday 29 March 2014

One thing in mind

They say that being a parent is never easy and just when you think that all is ok, you realise that it most certainly isn't! I have no idea how to help, communicate in a way that isn't intrusive, that isn't going to make them dig their heels in further, clam up even more or land up inventing things that sound right! They can achieve greatness, be and do whatever it is they want to do or be, it does take a little work but the reward will be worth that effort. How do I make sure that they know it is for them? If I didn't love so much, it wouldn't hurt so much, but by golly I ache all over!

1 comment:

  1. Life is simple or very complicated, depending on how you view it. To trust yourself has and always will be the most important lesson you teach. Taking a horse to water will not necessarily make it drink, only when it is thirsty will it drink. Have faith in the wisdom you have given them over the years, they will come through.
